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My Clients

Do you struggle with disordered eating?  You are not alone.

The commonality

My clients come in all shapes, colours and sizes and from every walk of life.


They are sick to death of food and body hatred ruling their lives. 


They want change. 


  • Some just want to get a handle on their food intake, their eating habits and their thoughts and feelings around food

  • Some are immersed in emotional and binge eating disorder

  • Some are yo-yo dieters

  • Some are obsessive calorie counters


  • Some can’t get out of the restrict binge cycle

  • Some use exercise in order to allow themselves to eat

  • Some punish themselves constantly with self hatred


The list goes on.

What my clients have in common is a chaotic and stressful relationship with food and their body.


A day in the life...

Today I’m going to be good, in fact I’ll skip breakfast, so I consume less calories.


Hmm I’m a bit hungry now, I’ll just have one biscuit, after all I’ve not had any breakfast. (just one more and then the entire packet disappears)

I’m so completely useless, I hate myself, what’s the point in carrying on, I might as well eat what I like and start again on Monday.


Is this a common conversation you have in your head?


First and foremost I want you to know this: you are not alone. There are millions of people out there who struggle with this cycle every single day.  It’s also really important for you to understand another thing: you are not broken. You have just developed a coping strategy to help you feel comforted.  And that coping strategy is no longer serving you. In fact, it’s just making you really miserable. This is simply learned behaviour. And the best thing about learned behaviour? It can be unlearned.


I can help you to understand all of this and more.  You don’t have to live your life this way. I can show you the path to food freedom.  I’m not saying it will be easy. You will have to put the work in, but you know what, you can do it and it will be worth every ounce of your energy.  Shut your eyes, take a big deep breath in and imagine the freedom that is there waiting for you. Completely life changing.


If any of the above resonates with you, then I’m here to help you on this journey.

Ready to take the next step?

Why not book a free 30 minute discovery call to give you an opportunity to get to know me. We can talk through how I can help you find a better relationship with food and achieve the outcome you’re looking for. 



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